You have played at the Buxton Fringe before why are you coming back?
First two years performed as part of a group of creative writing students. Enjoyed it. This time I wanted to experiment with my own performance.
Amongst Buxton’s famous sons and (adopted daughter) are Tim Brooke-Taylor, Dave Lee Travis and Vera Brittain. How do you feel about following in the footsteps of such giants?
Giant footsteps are leaps for mankind, I’m a man and kind, so no problem.
What reaction do you expect from your audiences?
Laughter, tears, smiles, requests for my autograph etc.
5 pieces of fruit and veg a day – what do you choose to eat?
In line with the Blue Lamp theme, truncheon meat sandwiches, Irish stew (in the name of the law), jam sandwiches (name for traffic car), etc
Do you have any superstitions or routines that you follow before starting a performance?
As this is my first solo performance I haven’t thought of one yet, but it might be whirling my truncheon in the air.
Buxton Mineral Water – how do you drink it?
I take it straight and thirsty.
Are there any other performers/artists that you especially admire? If so, who and why?
I enjoy Ian Macmillan, such an excellent entertainer, with important messages and an accent like mine.
What question would you have liked to answer here?
Why are you doing this?
What is your answer?
A good question, the answer is that I was encouraged to perform my poetry by an established poet and I hope that anyone who comes to listen will sense the humanity in the poetry and share that with me for that brief space of time in our transitory lives. What are we here for if not to share that.
by Keith Savage - Published 15/07/2008
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