Monday, 30 April 2012

Q & A - HaHa!Oink

I don't write this just to be controversial (well only a bit) but HaHa!Oink might be in a sub-genre of ladette comedy. Probably 'ladette' is a bit last year if not last century - if someone can update me on critics shorthand please do. It will be a good night out though I'm pretty confident. In the Barrel Room on the 15th, 22nd and 25th (7-8pm).

You have played at the Buxton Fringe before why are you coming back? 
It was a fab experience last year, and is a great place to preview shows for Edinburgh.

Amongst Buxton’s famous sons and (adopted daughter) are Tim Brooke-Taylor, Dave Lee Travis and Vera Brittain. How do you feel about following in the footsteps of such giants? 
Dave Lee Travis?? The Dave Lee Travis? My aunty has the same hair as him. I grew up listening to him on the radio. I am honoured to be playing in the town that helped grow that bouffant. 

What reaction do you expect from your audiences?
One of amusement, pleasure, possible disgust, and if no one walks out I will buy Dave Lee Travis a headscarf.

5 pieces of fruit and veg a day – what do you choose to eat?
Cheese. Does that count?

Do you have any superstitions or routines that you follow before starting a performance? Mitchum Deodorant to be applied approx two hours before the show.. Plenty of water, and to arrive too early in fear of anything happening. And a good pooh.

Buxton Mineral Water – how do you drink it? 
Straight, like my men.

Are there any other performers/artists that you especially admire? If so, who and why?
Dave Lee Travis, he looks like he’d give good hug.

What question would you have liked to answer here?
Will you marry me?

What is your answer?
How much do you earn, do you like curry and will your mum want to slap me round the face with a slice of ham like a previous contenders mother once did to me?

by Keith Savage - Published 15/07/2008

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