Monday, 30 April 2012

Calling all Pirates!

One of the exciting things about the Fringe is that you never know quite what is going to turn up. We're up to 13 entries for this year (July 8-26) so far - which is a healthy enough number. That will probably triple over the next couple of weeks as entrants take advantage of cut-price entry to the Fringe. (£45 in February, £65 in March and £80 in April - until we close for entries on April 25th). Anyway I was saying "exciting" and then found myself talking about money and bargains - how could that happen?

Well at least two exciting new things this week. I'm too old and vocally-disadvantaged actively to enjoy the Gilbert & Sullivan that begins in the Fringe and then goes beyond it - so my promotion of it is born out of disinterest. (I choose the latter noun deliberately; I am sufficiently grumpy an old man to be irritated by the use of 'uninterested' when clearly I am not).

Will I ever get to the exciting bits? - all these distractions about money and language. So all you 8-18 year olds - a sizeable part of this Blog's readership - get yourself into the auditions for The Pirates of Penzance. (For 18-30s [!] you could be doing The Mikado). For more details see the Fringe website or go to:

The other new entry that caught my eye is Antigua Joe - who looks like he could cause a bit of excitement. If I can, I'll find out more about him and let you know.

There are several other new entries that we haven't featured yet - including some new dance to be performed at the Community School. When I have more news and information it will be passed on.

by Keith Savage - Published 05/02/2009

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