Monday, 30 April 2012

Q & A Matt Pritchard

Matt Pritchard combines magic, comedy and a science education that leaves most of us hopelessly baffled. He is also a bit of a local favourite - and that was before he answered some frankly pointless questions we asked him. See Matt's show Something about Nothing in the Pauper's Pit on the 9th, 12th, 20th and 26th July - 10.15-11.15. Go 4 times! We'll try and carry an interview with Matt sometime next week.

You have played at the Buxton Fringe before why are you coming back?
I spent the first 18 years of life living in Buxton and it was always a longstanding dream to perform at the Fringe (and hopefully someday on the Opera House stage). [Matt will be on the Opera House Stage on November 7th to celebrate Fringe 30 - tickets £8/£6 on sale now] Being a performer at the Fringe is so much fun as you get to see loads of other acts and chat to them late into the night. Unlike some other festivals, Buxton has a good atmosphere and wills everyone on to do their best.

Amongst Buxton’s famous sons and (adopted daughter) are Tim Brooke-Taylor, Dave Lee Travis and Vera Brittain. How do you feel about following in the footsteps of such giants?
Well if they start doing a ‘Matt Pritchard guided tour’ around Buxton then I’d be rather worried. 

What reaction do you expect from your audiences?
I hope the performance invokes a sense of wonder and play. That there would be lots of laughs and also amazement at the magic.

5 pieces of fruit and veg a day – what do you choose to eat?
Pizza, curry and vitamin supplements. 

Do you have any superstitions or routines that you follow before starting a performance?
I will check and recheck all my prop setup, annoy my technician with my paranoia about his setup and then send a quick prayer up to God before walking out on stage.

Buxton Mineral Water – how do you drink it?
From the tap. 

Are there any other performers/artists that you especially admire? If so, who and why?
I admire artists who have forged ahead and created a whole new style/genre. “Thinking outside the box” is such a cliché nowadays but I love to see people not constrained or conformed in their thinking. Artists who question, explore and play.

What question would you have liked to answer here?
If you were limited to a five minute visit to a zoo which animal would you go and see first?

What is your answer?
The penguins.

by Keith Savage - Published 08/07/2008

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