Thursday, 3 May 2012


Our energetic and irrepressible friends from Leicestershire sent this picture of a cake - held by some of the cast ofPrima Donna Island. Tantalising in itself - but read on:
...Prima Donna Island, one of Keith Large's three one act plays that can all be seen in one night when his Laughs from Leicestershire production visits The Marquee at Poole's Cavern, Buxton on Tuesday 13th July. Catch Keith and some of the team in Buxton Town Centre on Saturday 26th June. Produce a ticket for the show on this day and you could be eating a piece of this delicious cake supporting their favourite organic food shop in Buxton...The Wild Carrot.

So you'll need a ticket - the Opera House will sell you one or more, otherwise try - and some cake can be yours. Laughs from Leicestershire also sport proper day-glo orange Buxton Fringe style t-shirts.

You can get something similar on Wednesday 2 June if you happen to be passing the Railway, Bridge Street. There will be a screening of The Devil's Backbone  - a haunting and beautiful film set at the end of the Spanish Civil War (starting 7.30). Free for Friends of Buxton Fringe. Merchandise - including the original Fringe t-shirt also available. Now where else would you want to be?

Now we wrote about Keith and his all-star show before and got 21 comments. A record for this Blog - though one or two people got over-excited on the enter button and submitted 3 or more times. Anyway he and his crew have a lot of friends out there - and that is surely a good sign. You'll be out shopping anyway on the 26th June - I guess you'll find Keith not a million miles from the Wild Carrot. Pop-in and buy some bread or pulses or something. (We're not being paid for this so the promotion of Buxton's only organic, wholefood shop ends there).

by Keith Savage - Published 29/05/2010

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